Dom Juan The Feast with the Statue
Vitold Krysinsky
Dom Juan The Feast with the Statue [videorecording] = The Feast with the Statue Vitold Krysinsky - France SOPAT 2006 - 1 videodisk (ca. 145 min.) sound, color. 4 3/4 in.
"Dom Juan" or "The Feast with the Statue" (French: Dom Juan ou le Festin de pierre or simply "Le Festin de pierre") is a French play, a comedy in five acts, written by Molière, and based on the legend of Don Juan. Molière's characters Dom Juan and Sganarelle are the French counterparts to the Spanish Don Juan and Catalinón, characters who are also found in Mozart's Italian opera Don Giovanni as Don Giovanni and Leporello. Dom Juan is the last part in Molière's hypocrisy trilogy, which also includes "The School for Wives" and "Tartuffe".
From Case Cover:
Escorté par son valet Sganarelle, Don Juan, un gentilhomme libertin, courageux et hypocrite, séduit les femmes, se bat en duel, nie l’autorité de son pére, et se moque du Ciel. Emporté par sa passion des femmes et du jeu, il ira jusqu’au parjure.
English translation:
Escorted by his valet Sganarelle, Don Juan, a libertine gentleman, brave and hypocritical, seduces women, fights a duel, denies the authority of his father, and makes fun of Heaven. Carried away by his passion for women and gambling, he will go to the point of perjury.
DVD video; Dolby Digital 5.1; stereo; PAL; Region 2; 16:9 widescreen and 4:3 fullscreen compatible.
French audio. No subtitles.
PN1997 / .D660 2003
Dom Juan The Feast with the Statue [videorecording] = The Feast with the Statue Vitold Krysinsky - France SOPAT 2006 - 1 videodisk (ca. 145 min.) sound, color. 4 3/4 in.
"Dom Juan" or "The Feast with the Statue" (French: Dom Juan ou le Festin de pierre or simply "Le Festin de pierre") is a French play, a comedy in five acts, written by Molière, and based on the legend of Don Juan. Molière's characters Dom Juan and Sganarelle are the French counterparts to the Spanish Don Juan and Catalinón, characters who are also found in Mozart's Italian opera Don Giovanni as Don Giovanni and Leporello. Dom Juan is the last part in Molière's hypocrisy trilogy, which also includes "The School for Wives" and "Tartuffe".
From Case Cover:
Escorté par son valet Sganarelle, Don Juan, un gentilhomme libertin, courageux et hypocrite, séduit les femmes, se bat en duel, nie l’autorité de son pére, et se moque du Ciel. Emporté par sa passion des femmes et du jeu, il ira jusqu’au parjure.
English translation:
Escorted by his valet Sganarelle, Don Juan, a libertine gentleman, brave and hypocritical, seduces women, fights a duel, denies the authority of his father, and makes fun of Heaven. Carried away by his passion for women and gambling, he will go to the point of perjury.
DVD video; Dolby Digital 5.1; stereo; PAL; Region 2; 16:9 widescreen and 4:3 fullscreen compatible.
French audio. No subtitles.
PN1997 / .D660 2003