Dom Juan ou le Festin de Pierre Dom Juan or The Feast with the Statue

Jacques Lassalle

Dom Juan ou le Festin de Pierre Dom Juan or The Feast with the Statue [videorecording]= Dom Juan or The Feast with the Statue Jacques Lassalle - 2002 - 1 videodisk (140 min.) sound, color. 4 3/4 in.

From Case Cover:
Dom Juan est un infidèle coureur de jupons libertin et blasphémateur. Accompagné par son serviteur Sganarelle, il multiplie les conquêtes, nobles comme servantes, et les abandonne toutes. L’une d’entre elles, Done Elvire, va lui donner plus de fil à retordre. Il poussera le cynisme jusqu’à affronter la statue de Commandeur, qu’il a tué auparavant.

English Translation:
Dom Juan is an unfaithful libertine and blasphemer racer. Accompanied by his servant Sganarelle, he multiplies the conquests, noble as servants, and abandons them all. One of them, Done Elvire, will give her more trouble. He will grow cynical until he faces the Commander's statue, which he killed earlier.

From Wikipedia:
The story of this play follows the last two days in the life of a young courtier, Dom Juan Tenorio, a libertine, a seducer of women and an atheist. He is accompanied throughout the play by his valet, Sganarelle, a truculent, superstitious, cowardly, greedy fellow who engages with his master in intellectual debates. The unrepentant Don Juan will not escape the vengeance of Heaven, and he is ultimately punished. The various settings are all in Sicily.

DVD video; Dolby Digital 2.0; stereo; PAL; Region 2; 16:9 widescreen format.

French dialogue. No subtitles.

PN1997 / .D660 2002