El camino de San Diego
Carlos Sorin
El camino de San Diego The Road to San Diego [videorecording]= The Road to San Diego Carlos Sorin - Argentina 20th Century Fox Guacamole Films K&S Films 2006 - 1 videodisc (ca. 94 min.) sound, color. 4 3/4 in. - David W. Foster Collection .
From case cover:
Tati ha perdido su trabajo. Ahora ayuda a Silva, un viejo escultor, para quien busca en el monte troncos, ramas y raíces que puedan servirle para hacer sus obras. A cambio, obtiene un porcentaje por las ventas que logre realizar entre los pocos turistas que llegan al mercado del pueblo vecino.
Al igual que la mayoría de los argentinos, Tati tiene adoración por Diego Armando Maradona. Las paredes de su casa están cubiertas de fotos de su ídolo y guarda como el tesoro más preciado, la entrada al estadio del día que lo vio en plena acción. A pesar de su dramática situación económica, Tati no pierde su espíritu jovial. Tiene además otra razón para su optimismo: ha encontrado una gigantesca raíz con una silueta que él encuentra parecida a Maradona, la cual intentará entregar personalmente a Diego. La palabra "personalmente" impresiona profundamente a todos, dado que conocerlo sería cumplir el sueño de su vida.
¿Logrará entregar la escultura a su ídolo?
Translated Case Cover (Google Translate):
Tati has lost her job. Now he helps Silva, an old sculptor, for whom he searches in the mountain for trunks, branches and roots that can help him to do his works. In return, you get a percentage for the sales you can make among the few tourists that arrive at the market of the neighboring town.
Like most Argentines, Tati has adoration for Diego Armando Maradona. The walls of his house are covered with photos of his idol and he keeps as the most precious treasure, the entrance to the stadium of the day that saw him in action. Despite her dramatic economic situation, Tati does not lose her jovial spirit. He also has another reason for his optimism: he has found a gigantic root with a silhouette that he finds similar to Maradona, which he will try to deliver personally to Diego. The word "personally" profoundly impresses everyone, since to know him would be to fulfill the dream of his life.
Will he be able to deliver the sculpture to his idol?
From IMDb:
A young Argentine learns that soccer star Diego Maradona is ailing in a Buenos Aires hospital, and resolves to bring him a tree root he's discovered.
DVD video; Dolby Digital 5.1; surround; PAL; Regions 1-8; 1.85:1 as 16:9 widescreen.
Spanish audio.
PN1997 / .C365 2006
El camino de San Diego The Road to San Diego [videorecording]= The Road to San Diego Carlos Sorin - Argentina 20th Century Fox Guacamole Films K&S Films 2006 - 1 videodisc (ca. 94 min.) sound, color. 4 3/4 in. - David W. Foster Collection .
From case cover:
Tati ha perdido su trabajo. Ahora ayuda a Silva, un viejo escultor, para quien busca en el monte troncos, ramas y raíces que puedan servirle para hacer sus obras. A cambio, obtiene un porcentaje por las ventas que logre realizar entre los pocos turistas que llegan al mercado del pueblo vecino.
Al igual que la mayoría de los argentinos, Tati tiene adoración por Diego Armando Maradona. Las paredes de su casa están cubiertas de fotos de su ídolo y guarda como el tesoro más preciado, la entrada al estadio del día que lo vio en plena acción. A pesar de su dramática situación económica, Tati no pierde su espíritu jovial. Tiene además otra razón para su optimismo: ha encontrado una gigantesca raíz con una silueta que él encuentra parecida a Maradona, la cual intentará entregar personalmente a Diego. La palabra "personalmente" impresiona profundamente a todos, dado que conocerlo sería cumplir el sueño de su vida.
¿Logrará entregar la escultura a su ídolo?
Translated Case Cover (Google Translate):
Tati has lost her job. Now he helps Silva, an old sculptor, for whom he searches in the mountain for trunks, branches and roots that can help him to do his works. In return, you get a percentage for the sales you can make among the few tourists that arrive at the market of the neighboring town.
Like most Argentines, Tati has adoration for Diego Armando Maradona. The walls of his house are covered with photos of his idol and he keeps as the most precious treasure, the entrance to the stadium of the day that saw him in action. Despite her dramatic economic situation, Tati does not lose her jovial spirit. He also has another reason for his optimism: he has found a gigantic root with a silhouette that he finds similar to Maradona, which he will try to deliver personally to Diego. The word "personally" profoundly impresses everyone, since to know him would be to fulfill the dream of his life.
Will he be able to deliver the sculpture to his idol?
From IMDb:
A young Argentine learns that soccer star Diego Maradona is ailing in a Buenos Aires hospital, and resolves to bring him a tree root he's discovered.
DVD video; Dolby Digital 5.1; surround; PAL; Regions 1-8; 1.85:1 as 16:9 widescreen.
Spanish audio.
PN1997 / .C365 2006