L'art de la Conversation
Yvone Lenard
L'art de la Conversation Yvone Lenard, Ralph Hester. - New York Harper & Row 1967 - 242 p.
This text, with its accompanying set of tapes, has been designed specifically for use by intermediate students.
We recommend its use in either of the following class situations:
1. In the conversation class.
2.In the regular second- or third-year college class. L.C. set imperfect: phonotapes wanting.
French Text.
PN1988 / .L378 1967
L'art de la Conversation Yvone Lenard, Ralph Hester. - New York Harper & Row 1967 - 242 p.
This text, with its accompanying set of tapes, has been designed specifically for use by intermediate students.
We recommend its use in either of the following class situations:
1. In the conversation class.
2.In the regular second- or third-year college class. L.C. set imperfect: phonotapes wanting.
French Text.
PN1988 / .L378 1967