Love Meetings Comizi D'amore

Pier Paolo Pasolini

Love Meetings Comizi D'amore [videorecording]= Pier Paolo Pasolini - 07/23/1982 - 1 Blu-ray; 1 videodisc (ca. 92 min.) sound, Black and White. 4 3/4 in. - Accattone The Masters of Cinema Pier Paolo Pasolini .

Special Dual Format Edition

Pasolini's 1965 feature-length documentary Comizi d'amore (Love Meetings), on the complimentary theme of Italian attitudes towards sex, presented in its original aspect ratio of 1.66:1

DVD: 1.66:1, aspect ratio, black and white,

Blu-ray: 1.66:1, aspect ratio, black and white, 1080p AVC

Italian language with english subtitles.

PN1997 / .P547 1983