Der Golem: Wie er zur Welt kam The Golem
Paul Wegener Carl Boese
Der Golem: Wie er zur Welt kam The Golem [videorecording] = Paul Wegener Carl Boese - United States Germany Kino on Video 2002 - 1 videodisc (ca. 86 min.) sound, tinted black & white. 4 3/4 in.
Special Features: Excerpt of Julien's Duvivier's 1936 Film; Scene Comparison; New and Improved English Intertitle Translation; Gallery of photographs and artwork
From IMDb:
In 16th-century Prague, a Jewish rabbi creates a giant creature from clay, called the Golem, and using sorcery, brings the creature to life in order to protect the Jews of Prague from persecution.
DVD video; Dolby Digital 2.0; stereo; NTSC; Regions 1-8; 4:3 fullscreen.
Silent with English intertitles.
PN1997 / .G654 1920
Der Golem: Wie er zur Welt kam The Golem [videorecording] = Paul Wegener Carl Boese - United States Germany Kino on Video 2002 - 1 videodisc (ca. 86 min.) sound, tinted black & white. 4 3/4 in.
Special Features: Excerpt of Julien's Duvivier's 1936 Film; Scene Comparison; New and Improved English Intertitle Translation; Gallery of photographs and artwork
From IMDb:
In 16th-century Prague, a Jewish rabbi creates a giant creature from clay, called the Golem, and using sorcery, brings the creature to life in order to protect the Jews of Prague from persecution.
DVD video; Dolby Digital 2.0; stereo; NTSC; Regions 1-8; 4:3 fullscreen.
Silent with English intertitles.
PN1997 / .G654 1920