La España de Franco: 1939-1975 (Record no. 2421)
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000 -LEADER | |
fixed length control field | 05226nam a2200241 4500 |
control field | OSt |
fixed length control field | 200326b ||||| |||| 00| 0 eng d |
Transcribing agency | SILC |
041 ## - LANGUAGE CODE | |
Language code of spoken, sung, and signed languages | spa |
Language code of summaries on containers | spa |
Language code of original languages of main work(s) | spa |
Date of original film release | 1990 |
Classification number | PN1997 |
Item number | .E873 1990 |
Personal name | Jose A. Alcazar |
245 ## - TITLE STATEMENT | |
Title | La España de Franco: 1939-1975 |
Statement of responsibility, etc | Jose A. Alcazar |
Medium | [videorecording]= |
Place of publication, distribution, etc | Spain |
Name of publisher, distributor, etc | RTVE |
-- | VTF Multimedia |
Date of publication, distribution, etc | 1990 |
Extent | 2 VHS tapes (ca. 90 min.) |
Other physical details | sound, black & white. |
Dimensions | 7 3⁄8 × 4 1⁄16 × 1 in. |
500 ## - GENERAL NOTE | |
General note | TV documentary series released on two tapes, subtitled "Captiulo I" and "Capitulo II" (Chapter I and Chapter II, respectively). |
520 ## - SUMMARY, ETC. | |
Summary, etc | From case cover (Capitulo I):<br/>Un hombre: Francisco Franco Bahamonde. Un país: Epsaña. Una época: 1939-1975.<br/><br/>Treinta y seis años de Historia que arrancan en un mes de Abril en el que finaliza la Guerra Civil y comienza la instauración de un nuevo régimen.<br/><br/>Franco, aquel militar nacido en El Ferrol en 1892, que llegó a general en 1926 por méritos de guerra, fue el primer director de la Academia Militar de Zaragoza y tuvo como padrino de boda y amigo a un rey, Alfonso XIII. Y resultó ser la figure central de la política española durante más de tres décadas. Una larga etapa en la que sucedieron hechos sociales y económicos como los que se recuerdan en este excepcional documento histórico y cuyas consecuencias han llegado hasta nuestros días: la posguerra y el aislamiento del régimen de Franco, su entrevista con Hitler en Hendaya, so negativa a entrar en la Segunda Guerra Mundial, los créditos de Argentina, la ayuda de Eisenhower a Franco, el ingreso en la ONU, la UNESCO y la FAO, el conflictio de Ifni, el primer referéndum, la proclamación en las cortes de D. Juan Carlos como sucesor en la Jefatura del Estado, el proceso de Burgos, el asesinato de Carrero Blanco...<br/><br/>From case cover (Capitulo I, from Google Translate):<br/>A man: Francisco Franco Bahamonde. One country: Epsaña. A time: 1939-1975.<br/><br/>Thirty-six years of history that begin in a month of April in which the Civil War ends and the establishment of a new regime begins.<br/><br/>Franco, that military man born in El Ferrol in 1892, who became general in 1926 on merits of war, was the first director of the Zaragoza Military Academy and had a king, Alfonso XIII, as a groomsman and friend. And he turned out to be the central figure of Spanish politics for more than three decades. A long stage in which social and economic events such as those remembered in this exceptional historical document occurred and whose consequences have survived to this day: the postwar period and the isolation of the Franco regime, his interview with Hitler in Hendaye, was negative to enter the Second World War, the credits from Argentina, Eisenhower's aid to Franco, admission to the UN, UNESCO and FAO, the Ifni conflict, the first referendum, the proclamation in the courts of D. Juan Carlos as successor in the Headquarters of the State, the Burgos process, the murder of Carrero Blanco ... |
520 ## - SUMMARY, ETC. | |
Summary, etc | From case cover (Capitulo II):<br/>Un hombre: Francisco Franco Bahamonde. Un país: Epsaña. Una época: 1939-1975.<br/><br/>Treinta y seis años de Historia que arrancan en un mes de Abril en el que finaliza la Guerra Civil y comienza la instauración de un nuevo régimen.<br/><br/>Una España en la que el pueblo lloró por la muerte de Manolete, pasó de las cartillas de racionamiento al descubrimiento de la medias de nylon, escuchaba "Ama Rosa"y bailaba con Machín, para más tarde contemplar con ilusión el primer automóvil, ver cómo sus pueblos empezaban a poblarse de turistas y convertir a éstos en una de la bases de la economía española.<br/><br/>Un país que se congratulaba de tener un premio Nobel de Medicina, Severo Ochoa, y otro de Literatura, Juan Ramón Jiménez, y miraba a su Ministro de Información y Turismo, Fraga, bañarse en Palomares mientras proclamaba "Spain is different".<br/><br/>Acontecimientos que pertenecen no sólo a la Historia con mayúsculas, sino también a la pequeña historia cotidiana de las vidas de millones de españoles.<br/><br/>From case cover (Capitulo II, Google Translate):<br/><br/>A man: Francisco Franco Bahamonde. One country: Epsaña. A time: 1939-1975.<br/><br/>Thirty-six years of history that begin in a month of April in which the Civil War ends and the establishment of a new regime begins.<br/><br/>A Spain in which the people mourned for the death of Manolete, went from ration cards to the discovery of nylon stockings, listened to "Ama Rosa" and danced with Machín, to later look forward to the first car, see how Its towns began to populate with tourists and turn them into one of the bases of the Spanish economy.<br/><br/>A country that was pleased to have a Nobel Prize for Medicine, Severo Ochoa, and another for Literature, Juan Ramón Jiménez, and watched its Minister of Information and Tourism, Fraga, bathe in Palomares while proclaiming "Spain is different".<br/><br/>Events that belong not only to History in capital letters, but also to the small daily history of the lives of millions of Spaniards. |
System details note | VHS video; PAL; 4:3 fullscreen. |
546 ## - LANGUAGE NOTE | |
Language note | Spanish audio. |
Personal name | Jose A. Alcazar |
Relator term | Director |
Source of classification or shelving scheme | Library of Congress Classification |
Item type | Videocassette |
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