TY - BOOK AU - Hector Babenco AU - Hector Babenco AU - Fernando Bonassi AU - Victor Navas AU - Drauzio Varella AU - Enrique Diaz AU - Wagner Moura AU - Caio Blat TI - Carandiru AV - PN1997 .C373 2003 PY - 2003/// CY - Brazil PB - Columbia TriStar Filmes do Brasil, BR Petrobrás, Globo Filmes N1 - Based on the memoir-novel "Estação Carandiru" by Drauzio Varella. Special features on Disc 2 include: - Deleted scenes - Bloopers - Behind the Scenes: Making of, Art Direction; Lady Di's Transformation; Rehearsal & casting - News footage/video - Director's filmography - Production notes N2 - From case cover: Numa cela da Casa de Detenção de São Paulo, o popular Carandiru, dois detentos (Lula e Peixeira) se enfrentan num acerto de contas. O clima é tenso. Outro detento, Nego Preto, espécie de "juíz" para desavenças internas, soluciona o caso em tempo de dar "boas vindas" ao médico, recém-chegado e disposto a realizar trabalho de prevenção à AIDS na penitenciára. O médico depara com problemas gravissimos: superlotaçao, instalações precárias, doenças como tuberculose, leptospirose, caquexia, além de pré-epidemia de Aids. O Carandiru, com seus mais de sete mil detentos, constiui-se em grande desafio para o doutor recém-chegado. Mas bastam alguns meses de convivência para que ele perceba algo que o transformará: mesmo vivendo situação-limite, os internos não são figuras demoniacas. Em seu improvisado consultório, o médico testemunha solidariedade, organização e, acima de tudo, grande disposição de viver. Translated Case Cover (Google Translate): In a prison cell of the São Paulo detention house, the popular Carandiru, two inmates (Lula and Peixeira) face a settling of accounts. The weather is tense. Another detainee, Nego Preto, a sort of "judge" for internal disagreements, solves the case in time to welcome the doctor, newly arrived and willing to carry out AIDS prevention work in the penitentiary. The doctor faces gravissimos problems: overcrowding, poor facilities, diseases such as tuberculosis, leptospirosis, cachexia, and pre-epidemic AIDS. The Carandiru, with its more than seven thousand inmates, was a great challenge for the new doctor. But a few months of coexistence is sufficient for him to perceive something that will transform him: even when living in a situation of limit, inmates are not demonic figures. In his improvised office, the doctor witnesses solidarity, organization and, above all, a great disposition to live. From IMDb: Brazilian MD Drauzio Varella starts AIDS prevention in Brazil's largest prison, Carandiru, in São Paulo, where the population is nearly double its 4,000 maximum. Doc learns from experience and mainly stories the tragic stories of hideous crimes which landed scum there and passionate dramas adding otherwise decent people. Just when he believes to leave the prisoners happy with a soccer tournament, a silly clothing line argument kick-starts a politically opportune revolt repression ER -