TY - BOOK AU - Icíar Bollaín AU - Icíar Bollaín AU - Paul Laverty AU - Carlos Acosta AU - Carlos Acosta AU - Santiago Alfonso AU - Keyvin Martínez TI - Yuli AV - PN1997 2018 .Y955 PY - 2018/// CY - Spain PB - Morena Films, Potboiler Productions, Producciones de la 5ta Avenida N1 - Based on the Book "No Way Home" by Carlos Acosta N2 - From Case Cover: Yuli ese el apodo de Carlos Acosta. Su padre Pedro le llama así porque le considera el hijo de Ogún, un dios africano, un luchador. Sin embargo, desde pequeño, Yuli siempre ha huido de cualquier tipo de disciplina y edución. Las calles de una Habana empobrecida y abandonada son su aula particular. Su padre en cambio no piensa lo mismo: sabe que su hijo tiene un talento natural para la danza y por eso le obliga a asistir a la Escuela Nacional de Cuba. Pese a sus repetidas escapadas y su indisciplina inicial, Yuli acaba siendo cautivado por el mundo del baile y, así, desde pequeño comenzará a forjar su leyenda, llegando a ser el primer bailarín negro que logrará interpretar algunos de los papeles más famosos del ballet, originariamente escritos para blancos en campañías como el Houston Ballet o Royal Ballet de Londres. Translated with Google Translate: Yuli is the nickname of Carlos Acosta. His father Pedro calls him that because he considers him the son of Ogun, an African god, a fighter. However, since childhood, Yuli has always fled from any kind of discipline and education. The streets of an impoverished and abandoned Havana are its private classroom. His father, on the other hand, does not think the same: he knows that his son has a natural talent for dance and that is why he is forced to attend the National School of Cuba. Despite his repeated escapades and his initial indiscipline, Yuli ends up being captivated by the world of dance and, as a child, he will begin to forge his legend, becoming the first black dancer who will be able to play some of the most famous ballet roles, originally written for whites in campaigns such as the Houston Ballet or Royal Ballet of London ER -